Interschool Competitions

Inter School Competitions

We aim to prepare our children to be healthy and active with a passion for developing their physical abilities. We aim for the children to achieve high standards and have high levels of attainment in academics, Physical Education (PE) and other activities.

We understand the importance of competition for the children especially as they progress and develop through the school. The children are given opportunities to compete in interschool competitions, against other schools, in a wide variety of sports, debates, dance and music, art, dramatics etc. Every child has the opportunity to compete in intra-school competitions against other children in the school. We promote the idea of sportsmanship and fair play through all of these opportunities and the understanding that the taking part is the most important thing.

Alongside competition we also look to celebrate individual successes in Physical Education, respecting and celebrating the achievements or the attitudes a particular child may make can be as important as a win for a team.

It is important that as our children grow and develop into the future they understand the important role that competitions has for them in developing and maintaining their health (physically & mentally) and well being.
