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A Parent’s Guide to Understanding School Safety Policies in Gurgaon

Safety Rules at School Do you know? Schools are the place where children spend almost 7 hours a day, and when it comes to safety- it’s a big concern. Safety at school is a major topic for everyone, it’s a place that parents mostly rely on. Every parent entrusts a piece of their heart to their child's school. Safety rules at schools are most important, especially with news reports highlighting emergencies. This guide aims to empower you with knowledge about school safety policies in India, fostering a sense of security and open communication with your child.

Key Safety rules at schools

The school has to implement various policies for the safety concerns of the students, let’s learn what all they have to follow:

Security Infrastructure

Schools are mandated to have boundary walls, security guards, and proper access control. CCTV cameras in strategic locations are becoming increasingly common. As per the government law for the students safety, the schools have CCTV for the students safety and it's important and a major part of safety rules at schools.

Disaster Management

Schools must have a Disaster Management Plan (DMP) outlining procedures for emergencies like earthquakes, fires, and floods. This plan should include designated evacuation routes, assembly points, and training for staff and students. The National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) provides resources and guidelines for schools to develop effective DMPs.

Fire Safety

Fire safety at school measures are crucial. Schools must have fire extinguishers, smoke detectors, and clearly marked exits. Regular fire drills are mandatory to ensure students and staff are familiar with evacuation procedures as per the safety rules at schools.

Student Wellbeing

Schools have a responsibility to address student wellbeing. This includes anti-bullying policies, procedures for reporting harassment or violence, and access to counselors. The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) mandates schools to establish an Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) to address sexual harassment complaints.

Legals as Per Indian Law For Safety rules at schools

Right to Free and Compulsory Education Act (2009) emphasizes a safe and secure learning environment. Schools must comply with guidelines set by the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) and state education departments for the safety rules at schools. These guidelines encompass various aspects of Safety rules at schools, including infrastructure, disaster preparedness, and measures to counter bullying and violence.

Why are Safety rules at schools important?

According to the National Crime Records Bureau of India (NCRB), in 2021, crimes against children under 18 years old in India increased by 1.2% from 2020. While schools themselves may not see a high number of incidents, having robust safety measures helps deter crime and ensures a swift response in case of emergencies.

Here are some questions you can ask your child's school administration to gain a better understanding of their Safety rules at schools

  • 1. Can I see a copy of the school's emergency preparedness plan?
  • 2. How are visitors screened and monitored?
  • 3. What is the student-to-supervisor ratio?
  • 4. What resources are available for students to report safety concerns or bullying?
  • 5. How does the school communicate with parents during emergencies?

Parents' Role in Safety Rules At Schools

Parents play an important role and always understanding the policies to protect the child is the first step. Here's how you can be an active participant in your child's Safety at school:

  • 1. Open Communication: Talk to your child about school safety in an age-appropriate manner. Explain emergency procedures and the importance of reporting any concerns to a trusted adult.
  • 2. Practice Makes Perfect: Review school safety procedures with your child at home. Talk about escape routes in case of fire and what to do during a lockdown drill.
  • 3. Be Informed: Stay updated on school safety protocols by attending school meetings, reading newsletters, and following the school's social media pages (if they have one).
  • 4. Volunteer: Consider volunteering at your child's school. This allows you to observe safety measures firsthand and build relationships with school staff.
  • 5. Advocate for Change: If you have any concerns about the school's safety policies, don't hesitate to voice them to the school administration. Work collaboratively to find solutions that enhance the safety of all students.


Understanding and supporting Safety rules at schools is very important for the well-being of students. Parents can help by staying informed, talking to their children about safety, taking part in safety activities, asking for improvements when needed, and supporting mental health programs.

At Sharda International School, we take care of the safety of our students at every step whether it be physical safety or mental health safety We have strong safety measures like regular fire drills, CCTV cameras, and strict anti-bullying policies. Our goal is to create a safe and supportive environment where students can learn and grow without any worries.

There are many different challenges, schools, and parents need to work together to make sure children are safe. With the right safety measures in place, we can ensure that our children not only get a good education but also feel safe and secure while doing so.

We believe that the safety of our children is non-negotiable. We can create a future where every child feels safe, happy, and valued.